Internal Block Diagram of IC 555
IC 555
- The
IC 555 is a more versatile IC, it basically contains built-in timer
circuit hence widely known as timer IC.
- It
is introduced by Signetic Corporation in early 1970.
- IC
555 is basically a monolithic timer circuit which can be used in many
Fig. - Pin diagram of
IC 555
- Above fig. shows a pin diagram of IC 555. It is an 8 pin IC. Pin 1 is ground , pin
2 is trigger, pin 3 is output, pin 4 reset, pin 5 is control voltage, pin
6 threshold, pin 7 discharge and pin 8 is positive supply voltage.
The IC 555 timer will
work with any supply voltage between 3 Volt to
18 Volt. (max. load current 200 mA)
NOTE : Symbol and Pin Diagram of
NOTE : Working of RSFF
- The IC 555 combines the following elements as shown in
the following block diagram.
- 1.
A potential divider arrangement
- 2.
RS flip flop
- 3.
Two Comparator
- 4. Discharge transistor
Fig. – Simplified functional block diagram of IC 555 timer
It consists of two
comparators, voltage divider network flip-flop and output stage.
■ The upper comparator is a threshold comparator, pin (8) and pin (5) as control
input in most of the applications, pin (5) is connected to ground through
■ The lower comparator is called trigger comparator with trigger input pin
■ Three resistors each of 5KΩ are used as potential divider. These
resistors are connected between +Vcc and ground, therefore each resistor has
voltage drop of 1/3 Vcc. The reference voltage of lower comparator is 1/3 Vcc
and of upper comparator is 2/3Vcc.
■ Whenever Threshold voltage becomes greater than the control voltage (2/3
Vcc), the output of upper comparator will be high and sets the flip-flop making
discharge transistor ON while the o/p of IC 555 low because Q is high and Q’ is
■ Whereas, when the trigger input goes below 1/3 Vcc, the output of
trigger comparator will be high.
■ The output of comparator goes to the SR flip-flop. The output of upper
comparator goes to S input and it sets the flip-flop whereas the output of
lower comparator goes to R input and it resets the flip-flop.
■ The output of flip-flop Q goes to the discharge transistor, the collector of discharge transistor is pin 7.
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