Internal Block Diagram of IC 555

  IC 555

  • The IC 555 is a more versatile IC, it basically contains built-in timer circuit hence widely known as timer IC.
  • It is introduced by Signetic Corporation in early 1970.
  • IC 555 is basically a monolithic timer circuit which can be used in many applications.
It is a low-cost timer capable of producing precise time delays with a wide range.

Fig. - Pin diagram  of IC 555

  • Above fig. shows a pin diagram  of IC 555.  It is an 8 pin IC. Pin 1 is ground , pin 2 is trigger, pin 3 is output, pin 4 reset, pin 5 is control voltage, pin 6 threshold, pin 7 discharge and pin 8 is positive supply voltage.

The IC 555 timer will work with any supply voltage between 3 Volt to  18 Volt. (max. load current 200 mA)

NOTE : Symbol and Pin Diagram of OPAMP IC 741

NOTE : Working of RSFF



  • The IC 555 combines the following elements as shown in the following block diagram.
  • 1. A potential divider arrangement
  • 2. RS flip flop
  • 3. Two Comparator
  • 4. Discharge transistor

Fig. – Simplified functional block diagram of IC 555 timer

       It consists of two comparators, voltage divider network flip-flop and output stage.

       The upper comparator is a threshold comparator, pin (8) and pin (5) as control input in most of the applications, pin (5) is connected to ground through capacitor.

       The lower comparator is called trigger comparator with trigger input pin (2).

       Three resistors each of 5KΩ are used as potential divider. These resistors are connected between +Vcc and ground, therefore each resistor has voltage drop of 1/3 Vcc. The reference voltage of lower comparator is 1/3 Vcc and of upper comparator is 2/3Vcc.

       Whenever Threshold voltage becomes greater than the control voltage (2/3 Vcc), the output of upper comparator will be high and sets the flip-flop making discharge transistor ON while the o/p of IC 555 low because Q is high and Q’ is low.

       Whereas, when the trigger input goes below 1/3 Vcc, the output of trigger comparator will be high.

       The output of comparator goes to the SR flip-flop. The output of upper comparator goes to S input and it sets the flip-flop whereas the output of lower comparator goes to R input and it resets the flip-flop.

       The output of flip-flop Q goes to the discharge transistor, the collector of discharge transistor is pin 7.


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