§ Multivibrator
Multivibrators are a group of circuits which have two states i.e. ON
state and OFF state.
They produce different types of waveforms such as square wave,
rectangular wave, pulses etc.
There are three types of multivibrator:
1) Astable multivibrator or free running multivibrator
2) Monostable multivibrator or one shot multivibrator
3) Bistable multivibrator or flip flop
- Astable multivibrator or free running multivibrator
In astable multivibrator, the two states of the circuit are momentarily
stable and circuit switches respectively between these two states.
It does not require any external triggering signal and is self
sustaining multivibrator.
Following fig. shows the output waveform of astable multivibrator.
§ Monostable multivibrator or one shot
• Monostable multivibrator has only one stable
• This state may be ON (HIGH) or OFF (LOW).
• It can be made to change these states by applying
external trigger pulse, but it remains there for some time.
• This state is called temporary stable state or
quasi-stable state.
• After some time, it comes to its original state and will remains forever until we do not again trigger to it.
§ Bistable multivibrator or flip flop
The bistable multivibrator has two stable states i.e. HIGH (ON) and LOW
§ When an external trigger pulse is applied, it
changes its state and will remain there till next trigger pulse is applied.
§ The bistable multivibrator remains in its stable
state in absence of trigger signal.
Fig. - Output
of bistable multivibrators
§ Output of multivibrators
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