· Basic Idea of SMPS The regulated power supply, studied in the earlier section uses series regulators which are linear designed power supplies. Most of the energy supplied to them is wasted as heat. For small appliances it is acceptable, but for a PC power supply it is unacceptable. Thus, instead of using series pass element, switching regulator which produces large load currents with much less power dissipation is used. A switched-mode power supply (SMPS) is an electronic circuit that converts power using switching devices that are turned on and off at high frequencies, and storage components such as inductors or capacitors to supply power when the switching device is in its non-conduction state. SMPS uses a transistor switch and a closed feedback loop to produce D.C. output that is properly regulated. The basic idea of SMPS is as shown in fig. Working: Trains of pulses from pulse generator drives the base of t...