Basic Idea of SMPS
The regulated
power supply, studied in the earlier section uses series regulators which are
linear designed power supplies. Most of the energy supplied to them is wasted
as heat. For small appliances it is acceptable, but for a PC power supply it is
Thus, instead of
using series pass element, switching regulator which produces large load currents
with much less power dissipation is used.
switched-mode power supply (SMPS) is an electronic circuit that converts power
using switching devices that are turned on and off at high frequencies, and
storage components such as inductors or capacitors to supply power when the
switching device is in its non-conduction state.
SMPS uses a
transistor switch and a closed feedback loop to produce D.C. output that is
properly regulated.
The basic idea
of SMPS is as shown in fig.
Working: Trains of pulses from pulse generator drives the base of the transistor. When base voltage is high, the transistor is in saturation, i.e. it is “ON” and when the base voltage is low, it will be in cut-off,i.e. it is “OFF” Thus transistor is working like a switch.
important characteristics of switch is that it does not dissipate heat when it
is ON or OFF.
The diode
connected between emitter and ground protects the transistor from inductive
kickback voltage.
The inductor L
will keep the current through it constant. If the diode is not connected then
inductive voltage across L will produce high reverse voltage to damage the
The switching of
transistor is controlled by as duty cycle of pulse.
The duty cycle
of the pulse is the ratio of ON time to total time of the pulse.
The input
voltage varies from zero to Vinput due to the pulse generator.
Due to high
frequency smaller value of L and C are selected.
The output of LC
filter is D.C. voltage with oly smaller ripple across it.
If D is duty
cycle, then D.C. output voltage is given by Vout= DVin
The output
voltage is fed back to the pulse generator.
If the output
voltage tries to increase, the duty cycle will decrease. This means that,
narrower pulses will drive LC filter and hence output will decrease.
The reverse will
be the action when output voltage decreases.
There is very
less power dissipation across switching element, which is the most advantageous
property of SMPS.
· Block Diagram of SMPS
Practical SMPS images
1. The disadvantages of SMPS are, they are more complex than series regulators.
2. It has higher output ripple voltages; response to load variation is not fast as dissipative regulators.
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