Internet of Things (IoT)

Why people are talking so much about IoT? Is IoT really future? | by  Thinkwik | Medium 

What is Internet of Things (IoT)??

     Connecting everyday things embedded with electronics, sensors, software, and

other technologies for the purpose of collecting and exchanging data with other 

devices and systems over the internet without human interaction is called as 

Internet of Things (IoT).

IoT Features

Some of the common features of IoT are connectivity, analyzing, integrating, active

engagement, and many more.

Connectivity: Establishing proper connection between all the things of IoT to  

IoT platform like server or cloud.

Analyzing: After the connection, the real time analyzing of data is done. it is to 

build effective business intelligence.

Integrating: IoT integrating various models to improve user experience.

Artificial Intelligence: It makes the machine think like the human. for E.g.Social 

media applications are using the support of AI to monitor content, suggest 

connections, and serve advertisements to targeted users.

Active Engagement: The connected devices or services have the active 

engagement between each other.

Endpoint Management: The Endpoint Management of all the IoT system is very 

important. For e.g. In the above example of social media finally it depends on the 

user whether the suggested connections should be confirmed or not.

Why is Internet of Things (IoT) so important?

IoT has become one of the most important technology nowadays. We can connect

everyday objects like cars, mobiles, home appliances to the internet via embedded

devices.Using IoT, devices can share and collect data with minimal human 


Advantages and Disadvantages Of IoT :

Advantages Of IoT :

It minimizes human efforts.

It saves time.

Data collection is enhanced due to IoT.

Disadvantages Of IoT :

System security is a big concern while dealing with IoT. 

The IoT system provides substantial personal data even without the active 

participation of the user, hence privacy of the user is also a concern.

It is quite complicated to design, develop and maintain the IoT system.



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